Hey team I'm having a little trouble with debuggin...
# help
Hey team I'm having a little trouble with debugging my graphql lambda. I'm trying to implement typegraphql and getting some errors. The problem is, I can only see these errors on 'production'
npx sst deploy --stage prod
. I cannot see errors on the debugging stack
npx sst start
. When I start the debugging stack and query my graphql lambda all I can see from the browser is
{"message":"Internal Server Error"}
and all I see from the command line is
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8e29906c-8622-4ab7-98fd-5bbcb2c97764 REQUEST dummy-graphql-apollo-my-s-ApolloApiLambdaGET95C283-IaPKrXb9HmmO [src/lambda.handler] invoked by API GET /
and eventually I'll see this (looks like the call to the lambda just times out)
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e30f62ab-2b81-4c6d-8fea-80baf75a8846-1651498094641 Failed to send a response because the Lambda Function timed out. If this happens again, you can increase the function timeout or use the --increase-timeout option with "sst start". Read more about the option here: <https://docs.serverless-stack.com/packages/cli#options>
However if I deploy this to prod I see a real error, I can paste in thread. This is a small git repo that should replicate the issue https://github.com/unwrap-nlp/graphql-apollo Do you mind helping me figure out how to see errors in the debugging stack?
@Ryan Barnes thanks for putthign the repo together. Let me take a look
thanks for taking a look. I appreciate it!
Any luck?
Hey @Ryan Barnes sorry I was a bit tied up w/ the v1 launch. @thdxr do u have a min to give this a try?
no worries. I'm on the fence of actually using TypeGraphQl. Just wondering if there was something obviously wrong with my setup.
I think if you use 1.0 we fixed the issue of not seeing a real error in local dev
btw if you're considering typegraphql checkout https://pothos-graphql.dev/ it's what we're going to use in our recommended graphql stack
I can give this a try in a bit. Will post probs later today.
ok, is there a chance that integrates with prisma?
he actually has a prisma plugin: https://pothos-graphql.dev/docs/plugins/prisma
but I generally don't recommend using prisma in serverless environments unless you use their data proxy
instead of the AWS RDS proxy?
yeah otherwise you'll need to ship large binaries along with your lambda which will make cold start not great
worth trying out yourself though if you particularly like prisma
that's fair. I haven't actually used prisma, it just seems to offer some nice features on top of graphql for interacting with a db.
still in the exploration stage. Open to other suggestions.
We generally recommend
for prisma like functionality
I'll have to check it out
my other constraint is I need to run MySQL 8.0, so aurora serverless v1 and the dataAPI are out.
currently I'm planning on RDS Cluster in private subnet / natgateway with RDS Proxy that the lambda connects to.
does kysely have a similarly large binary to connect to the Proxy instead of the dataAPI
no it doesn't, it just uses a normal mysql nodejs driver underneath
which does include some native code but it's small