Has anyone had recent luck with getting typeORM im...
# help
Has anyone had recent luck with getting typeORM implemented with SST? I've tried previously mentioned solutions for externalModules/nodeModules for pg-native but cannot seem to by-pass the error when running sst build/seed deploy:
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Error: There was a problem transpiling the Lambda handler: > node_modules/pg/lib/native/client.js:4:21: error: Could not resolve "pg-native" (mark it as external to exclude it from the bundle, or surround it with try/catch to handle the failure at run-time)
    4 │ var Native = require('pg-native')
Note - The above works locally with sst start I've also tried an alternative solution which involves having a mocked pg-native library (which just returns an empty module). This actually works with sst build & seed deploy, BUT then sst start runs into issues running typeORM locally. See attached error. I'm currently at a stand still of either typeORM works locally OR online, but have been unable to find a solution that works for both.
Are you sure you added :
bundle :{
Copy code
externalModules: ['pg-native']
to your lambda function configuration ?
@Yohann B, thanks for the reply, I've tried that in multiple places, but out of interest. What would be the most correct location for it? Api stack level (ApiStack.ts)
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this.api = new Api(this, 'Api', {
defaultAuthorizationType: ApiAuthorizationType.AWS_IAM,
defaultFunctionProps: {
    environment: {
        // PRODUCTS_BUCKET: productsBucket.bucketName,
        // LISTINGS_BUCKET: listingsBucket.bucketName,
        CLUSTER_ARN: database.clusterArn,
        SECRET_ARN: database.secretArn,
        REGION: scope.region,
    permissions: [database],
    bundle: {
        externalModules: ['pg-native'],
Function Level (ApiStack.ts)
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'GET /public': {
    function: {
        handler: 'src/public.main',
    authorizationType: ApiAuthorizationType.NONE,
    bundle: {
        externalModules: ['pg-native'],
Main Application (index.ts)
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    runtime: 'nodejs14.x',
    bundle: {
        externalModules: ['pg-native']
Something seems off with your config, maybe you can install pg-native locally so it will be included for now and won't create the problem
Thanks for chiming in @Yohann B!
@Scott can you put together a sample repo (ie. 1 function) that reproduces this error?
And I will give it a try on my end.
Will see if I can put that together today, cheers @Frank
@Frank I created a new repo here - https://github.com/Scott-lasertrade/typeorm-poc It builds+runs fine with sst build/seed, but replicates the error I get above or rather there is no error unless you turn on uncaught exceptions with breakpoints. So generally it just hangs, let me know how you go.
@Frank, did you have any luck/trouble with the repo above or does it work on your end?
I'll be looking into this tomorrow @Scott
Cheers @thdxr, had to make a bit of a judgement call, have started on conversion to kysely so may not be as relevant now - pending whether I can get it all working as it's quite a big migration.