Hello team, I have added my domain to Route 53 in ...
# help
Hello team, I have added my domain to Route 53 in a hosted zone. For testing I have deployed once in testing and it worked but from next deploy getting this error.
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It seems you are configuring custom domains for you URL. And SST is not able to find the hosted zone "<http://app-serverless-cli.text-shot.com|app-serverless-cli.text-shot.com>" in your AWS Route 53 account. Please double check and make sure the zone exists, or pass in a different zone.
I tried deleting
npx sst remove — stage  {my stage name}
but still same issues.
can I see your stacks code where you are configuring this
Thanks @thdxr
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const api = new sst.Api(this, "Api", {
      defaultFunctionProps: {
        environment: {
      routes: {
        "GET /": {
          function: {
            handler: "src/lambda.handler",
            //timeout in seconds
            timeout: 15,
            //Loading additional layers,
            layers: [layer],
            // Exclude bundling it in the Lambda function
            bundle: { externalModules: ["chrome-aws-lambda"] },
      customDomain: `api-${scope.stage}.<http://text-shot.com|text-shot.com>`,

    const frontend = new sst.NextjsSite(this, "Frontend", {
      path: "frontend",
      environment: {
        API_ENDPOINT: api.url,
        scope.stage === "prod"
          ? "<http://text-shot.com|text-shot.com>"
          : `app-${scope.stage}.<http://text-shot.com|text-shot.com>`,
If it helps Route 53 console
It would be great if I can know the reason and potential fix too Would be writing a blog posts about it so want to make sure I cover things 😅
So you need to also specify zone with custom domain since your zone is at
you don't need path
I actually did try it same issue happened Should I try deleting existing records in route 53 and try again?
Try it with the hostedZone: "text-shot.com" and tell me what error you get
On it
I just configured this with the hostedZone option and it works a treat.
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customDomain: {
    domainName: `notes-api-${scope.stage}.<http://selflearning.com|selflearning.com>`,
    hostedZone: `notes-api-${scope.stage}.<http://selflearning.com|selflearning.com>`
^ you only need to specify hosted zone if you have a different zone than the domain name
typically you'll have a zone for
and want domains at
Noice, what if I want
should I still specify hosted zone?
thanks @thdxr in my case the domain was on Godaddy, I pointed the subdomain to Route53 using NS records and created a hosted zone for the subdomain on Route53. Then used the hostedZone option to specify the subdomain
Same my case domain is in namecheap 😛 I’ll keep you updated about the deploy that I am doing using
Try it with the hostedZone: “text-shot.com” and tell me what error you get
It's OK if your domain is in a registrar but you should point nameservers to AWS
Yeah, that’s why created hosted zone to get dns config.
I would say you should actually make the zone
yes ideally, it is a pain if we already have DNS being managed elsewhere, and only want to use AWS for the subdomain, just pointing to Route53 for the subdomain does the trick
I am still not sure how it worked the first time around for @Rohith Gilla
Me too. Very weird.
Update: @thdxr Thanks in console, couldn’t find any issues. Looks like it is working! you are amazing!