Congratz on 1.0!!! I started with 0.39 on a small ...
# help
Congratz on 1.0!!! I started with 0.39 on a small company project. Now I plan to make it the core of our tech stack for all new projects. The .cdk prop on the constructs is more than welcomed 😄 The upgrade to
went fine up to this error that I cannot wrap my head around, used to work fine on
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node_modules/aws-cdk/lib/diff.d.ts:1:26 - error TS2307: Cannot find module '@aws-cdk/cloudformation-diff' or its corresponding type declarations.

1 import * as cfnDiff from '@aws-cdk/cloudformation-diff';
The current fix is to install the dependency myself:
"@aws-cdk/cloudformation-diff": "2.23.0"
, is this a bug on aws side?
False positive on my fix, it fails later on
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alex@DESKTOP-1L6763D:~/projects/verified/blueprint-lambda$ npx sst diff
Look like you're running sst for the first time in this directory. Please enter a stage name you'd like to use locally. Or hit enter to use the one based on your AWS credentials (alexandru-simandi-code11-com): alexs
Using stage: alexs
Preparing your SST app

Update the following AWS CDK packages to v2:

  - @aws-cdk/cloudformation-diff

More details on upgrading to CDK v2: <>

AWS CDK packages need to be updated.
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alex@DESKTOP-1L6763D:~/projects/verified/blueprint-lambda$ npx sst -v
SST: 1.0.2
CDK: 2.20.0
I think aws just messed up on their side, without my "fix"
sst start
actually worked
Hey @Alexandru Simandi, oh glad it’s working
Yeah, just that
npx run tsc --noEmit
was still popping errors. Baby steps. Great progress anyway! Thumbs up to typescript