hey there, I've noticed some odd behavior so just ...
# help
hey there, I've noticed some odd behavior so just wanted to get some clarification if possible. SST runs functions locally, correct? so if I'm performing http calls in a function, they're originating from machine? This appears to be manifesting itself in that live lambda development works on one machine but not another.
CDK generally does not wait for promises, which can cause bad or inconsistent behavior. SST with functions added some async/await support, but take a close look at your use.
Thanks @Adam Fanello
Hey @Anthony Sanchez is it http call consistently failing on one machine, while successful on another? Does the request time out or returns an error?
Maybe share a bit more detail on the error.
@Frank yeah the http call succeeds on one machine and I get a 401 as I expect, whereas on the other machine it just hangs and the function will timeout eventually.
I did a bit more digging and it seems to be related to SST. I’m able to execute the script directly and it works as expected on both machines.