Anyone ever had problem with the console not worki...
# help
Anyone ever had problem with the console not working after a
sst start
? I can
sst build
my app no problem, I can also run
sst start
without error, but when I hit the console then I have a bunch of error in the network tab 😕
• I tried deleting the debug stack and redeploying it • I also deleted
No luck so far
Hey @Robert, has the console ever worked? And which browser r u using?
Oh yeah worked fine before, not too sure what happened. Using Chrome, latest version as of now.
Just test it with Firefox, same problem
Just FYI, I just sst remove everything in my testing environment and rerun sst start, still having the same problem
@Frank sorry for the ping, but do you have any idea what this could be? Bummer that I cannot test anything right now
Ok I tried different thing to resolve this issue. • Git pull into a fresh directory
didn't fix
• Created a new AWS account and ran sst start in there
didn't fix
I'm kinda out of ideas here, if you could help me I'd appreciated. I've lost over a day trying to make the console works again so I can work 😕
Did some more testing, installed the project on another computer and then ran sst start, same error in the console. So there's something in my project that the sst console does not like. If anyone has any idea to help I'd appreciate it!
@Frank @thdxr @Jay You guys have any ideas why this does not work at all? Any hints where/what I could debug to try to find the problem. For your information, the problem is just with the sst console, if I run
sst start
and then hit the url in the api gateway, it is then proxy back to my local machine and I can run my local code. Thank you in advance!
Let me check with the team on this.
Thanks, really appreciated 🙂
can you share the response error
from those failed network reqs
yep, just a sec
Copy code
Request URL: <http://localhost:12557/proxy/>
Request Method: POST
Status Code: 400 Bad Request
Remote Address: [::1]:12557
Referrer Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin
Copy code
<ErrorResponse xmlns="<>">
    <Message>Rate exceeded</Message>
do you have a lot of stacks in your aws account?
can you check the first req that goes out to cloudformation and let me know how many stacks show up as a response
I have 42 stacks as of now in my account. Here's the first stack that goes out when I run sst start
Copy code
➜ npm run start:sst

> treesoflives-field-api@0.1.0 start:sst
> sst start

Using stage: debug
Preparing your SST app

 Deploying debug stack

Deploying stacks

 :white_check_mark:  debug-treesoflives-field-data-infra-debug-stack (no changes)

Stack debug-treesoflives-field-data-infra-debug-stack
  Status: no changes
    BucketArn: arn:aws:s3:::debug-treesoflives-field-data-infr-......
    BucketName: debug-treesoflives-field-data-infr-......
    Endpoint: <wss://>

 Deploying app

Deploying stacks

 :white_check_mark:  debug-treesoflives-field-data-infra-fdm-qldb (no changes)
yeah we currently have an issue when there's a large number of stacks in the console, @Frank think we should figure out how to stash metadata in SSM or at least pointers to stacks
Ok, so for now not much I can do until you guys figured a way I guess?
hmm.. @thdxr but we retry on Throttling errors right?
I have hundreds of stacks, the “Syncing Metadata” step does take some time, but eventually the retries succeed.
yeah we do I'm not sure why even the first req for robert is throttled
what’s the CFN api call we are making? I wonder if @Robert can make the same call via AWS CLI and see if that gets throttled as well.
If that doesn’t get throttled, it might be an indication something might be off w/ the Console 🤔
Since Frank talked about retry, I tried letting the console go to see what would happens. After about two minutes it appeared and it is working. Guess I wasn't patient enough 🤷
damn that's pretty slow though 😬 we should fix this
If I can do any tests to help you guys, just let me know
Thanks @Robert!