Hi! I have a challenge I’m looking into, getting S...
# help
Hi! I have a challenge I’m looking into, getting Strapi v4 to run on AWS with SST. Feel free to pitch in or ping me if you’re up for helping out. Since v4 source with dependencies is too big to run inside the lambda (exceeding the 262144000 bytes limit) I’m guessing it could be run from a docker image in AWS, or be pruned down to remove frontend modules as the idea is to run the backend as a nodejs app with an api and the frontend separately as a react app (using sst naturally) https://docs.strapi.io/developer-docs/latest/development/admin-customization.html#different-servers. Ideas or comments are welcome.
we run strapi with aws apprunner if that's helpful - it's not via sst but apprunner connects to a github repo and it works very well
Thanks @Louis Holley. This is definitely an option, if we can’t make it work with sst. Can you scale down the apprunner to 0 when idle? Cold start times?
Here we do have a strapi which runs in Elastic BeanStalk, not sst tho 🤷‍♂️
@Robert thanks. If not severless then the solution should be as close to that as possible and if I recall thats not the case with BeanStalk
Not the case at all sadly. If you find a serverless way, let us know. I might change how I deploy it here 😉
@Patrik Ståhl there are no cold start times as it's not technically serverless, so you also can't scale it down when it's idle - but we've found it to be very affordable (costs around $15 a month with our production load) and the performance is better than we've seen through lambdas
@Louis Holley is the cost then somehow variable or set based on the specs you give the apprunner?