and there is no `--account` property to tell sst w...
# help
and there is no
property to tell sst which account to use. Seems like sst wants to use it's own way of authenticating cdk calls. Are there workarounds or is sst going to support CDK v2 way of selecting region/account?
I get around this the old fashioned way: I make an array of what is accepted, then check in the app if it matches, or else throw an error.
I would not predict SST to implement this.
@Andrea Sciutto are you looking to create stacks to deploy to multiple AWS accounts in a single SST app?
We are thinking to relax on that constraint. Can you share a bit more about ur use case?
I think its more about NOT allowing it, @Frank. For instance, if I accidentally run the
sst deploy
command without setting
a stack may deploy to another account. With the CDK itself, there is an option to set the account so an error would be thrown in this case, but not so with SST.
Ah gotcha! That makes sense.. definitely did that myself 😅