Is it normal that NextjsSite construct takes forev...
# help
Is it normal that NextjsSite construct takes forever to start?
Hey @Adrian Schweizer, do u mean
sst start
is stuck at deploying
Yeah, last output was:
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dev-dataflux-MyStack | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | Custom::SSTCloudFrontInvalidation | frontendCloudFrontInvalidationC1BBD6C6 | Resource creation Initiated
dev-dataflux-MyStack | CREATE_COMPLETE | Custom::SSTCloudFrontInvalidation | frontendCloudFrontInvalidationC1BBD6C6
ah, I see now in CloudFormation console, it is rolling back the stack
this is the error event:
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2022-05-28 19:14:53 UTC+0200	EdgeLambdaBucket	
CREATE_FAILED	CloudFormation did not receive a response from your Custom Resource. Please check your logs for requestId [adec1616-8aec-4e86-b235-bbb2e24519d5]. If you are using the Python cfn-response module, you may need to update your Lambda function code so that CloudFormation can attach the updated version.
Rollback also failed:
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dev-dataflux-MyStack | DELETE_FAILED | Custom::SSTEdgeLambdaBucket | EdgeLambdaBucket | CloudFormation did not receive a response from your Custom Resource. Please check your logs for requestId [b3ce6fad-2600-4fdf-bc7b-f4e8ba5397ca]. If you are using the Python cfn-response module, you may need to update your Lambda function code so that CloudFormation can attach the updated version.
Hi @Adrian Schweizer, did you manage to get past this issue? I am now running into this issue when trying a fresh release on a new account, I did update my sst recently so I'm wondering if that could be related.
No, I couldn't figure it out so far, unfortunately. The frontend part of my stack is still somewhat in flux. Next thing I'm gonna try is by @Sam Hulick, but things are a bit chaotic here, so not sure when I get around to it.
No worries, thanks for the update, I'll see if I can find anything
Also experiencing this issue, did you manage to solve it @Scott @Adrian Schweizer ?
No, I haven't taken another look yet, it's not critical for me
I just tried this tutorial again, and it seems to work now for me:
i previously deleted the problematic project, so unfortunately, i can't compare to see what's different now
prod deployment also works