Hi, I have tried to upgrade my auth to v1.0 (from ...
# help
Hi, I have tried to upgrade my auth to v1.0 (from 0.69) from:
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const api = new sst.Api(this, "Api", {
			defaultAuthorizer: new apigAuthorizers.HttpUserPoolAuthorizer("Authorizer", userPool, {
				userPoolClients: [userPoolClient],
			defaultAuthorizationType: sst.ApiAuthorizationType.JWT,
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new Api(stack, "Api", {
  authorizers: {
    Authorizer: {
      type: "user_pool",
      userPool: {
        id: userPool.userPoolId,
        clientIds: [userPoolClient.userPoolClientId],
  defaults: {
    authorizer: "Authorizer",
and now im getting an error Bearer scope="" error="invalid_token" error_description="the token does not have a valid audience" the thing is that the token does have an aud. (also the old example worked fine) Any clues on how to solve this?
If I use this instead then its working fine.
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new Api(stack, "Api", {
  authorizers: {
    MyAuthorizer: {
      type: "jwt",
      jwt: {
        issuer: "<https://myorg.us.auth0.com>",
        audience: ["UsGRQJJz5sDfPQDs6bhQ9Oc3hNISuVif"],
  defaults: {
    authorizer: "MyAuthorizer",
@thdxr do you think its a bug? If I import user pool and reference them in the authorizer, the authorizer creates a new app client and then the client id (audience) is new in authorizer. (expected outcome to use the passed in client id) See code below:
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const userPool = cognito.UserPool.fromUserPoolId(

const userPoolClient = cognito.UserPoolClient.fromUserPoolClientId(

new Api(stack, "Api", {
  authorizers: {
    Authorizer: {
      type: "user_pool",
      userPool: {
        id: userPool.userPoolId,
        clientIds: [userPoolClient.userPoolClientId],
  defaults: {
    authorizer: "Authorizer",
Will let @Frank chime in when he has a moment
@Gabriel can you give this a try (using the ids directly):
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new Api(stack, "Api", {
  authorizers: {
    Authorizer: {
      type: "user_pool",
      userPool: {
        id: "us-east-1_abcd",
        clientIds: ["123456asd"],
  defaults: {
    authorizer: "Authorizer",
and see if you get the same behavior?
@Frank so I tried adding the id and clientIds as strings. and ran remove / deploy stack. So what it seems to do is to create a new app client in the userPool (i.e. "us-east-1_abcd") And then assigns the newly created app client id as audience in the authorizer. While expected outcome here is that it should use the client id from the clientIds ?
@Gabriel can you run
sst build
> go into
> open up the template file for the stack > search for
If it’s there, CloudFormation will create a new client instead reusing the existing one.
Let me know what u find.
ok so I found my template in .build>.cdk.out>stack-name.template.json and it has this:
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"ApiApiApiAuthorizermyAuthorizerUserPoolUserPoolAuthorizerClientEF12345": {
    "Type": "AWS::Cognito::UserPoolClient",
    "Properties": {
     "UserPoolId": "us-east-1_abcd",
     "AllowedOAuthFlows": [
     "AllowedOAuthFlowsUserPoolClient": true,
     "AllowedOAuthScopes": [
     "CallbackURLs": [
     "SupportedIdentityProviders": [
    "Metadata": {
     "aws:cdk:path": "dev-mystack-sst-yarn-app-dev-stack/Api/Api-Api-Authorizer-myAuthorizer-UserPool/UserPoolAuthorizerClient/Resource"
@Frank sooo this is a silly thing. it turns out I had it as "clientsIds" instead of "clientIds" and then it just silently failed in js.
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Authorizer: {
        type: "user_pool",
        userPool: {
          id: userPool.userPoolId,
          **clientsIds**: [userPoolClient.userPoolClientId],
Thanks for the pointing to template, so I could try to dig deeper. Also I found that you can still do it the "old" way (just not an example in docs or migrate guide)
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Authorizer: {
  type: "user_pool",
  cdk: { authorizer: new apigAuthorizers.HttpUserPoolAuthorizer("Authorizer", userPool, { userPoolClients: [userPoolClient],