I'm wondering about the right way to remove a cust...
# help
I'm wondering about the right way to remove a customized debugApp stack while keeping the deployed App stack. For background this would be a scenario, where the test phase (started with
npm run start
has been completed and the stage was deployed with
npm run deploy
The doc mentions that stacks can be removed individually by providing the stack name as parameter. However, this seems to fail for me in case of my customized debugApp stack.
Not sure if it’s the correct way but you could use console or AWS CLI
running the same command without providing the stack name works, but removes everything (not just the debug-stack)
This works, as long as the full stack name including project / stage is provided. What I'm trying to find out though, is if it's expected to also work via
sst remove
Yeah, fair question, was just curious if they could be deleted separately using the basic tools
There isn’t a way to just remove the debug stack using SST cli. Just bumped up the priority for this https://github.com/serverless-stack/serverless-stack/issues/624
sst remove debug-stack
is probably the most intuitive way to do it.
@Frank this was what failed (line 9 telling
Stack sa-4761-dev-ewings-debug-stack is not found in your app.
even though it's declared in index.ts as shown above)
@Klaus yeah the
is actually not part of the app. It’s actually a separate standalone CDK app with just the debug stack in it.
Just added the
flag to
sst remove
in v1.2.13. You can run
sst remove --debug-stack
to remove just the debug stack.