:wave: I don't know if this is related to SST at ...
# help
👋 I don't know if this is related to SST at all but I run into this issue when using prisma in SST lambda and try to create a user:
Copy code
Failed to validate the query: `Field does not exist on enclosing type.` at `Mutation.createOneCustomer`
I have tried various thing from suggestions from internet (switching node version, switching prisma version, reinstall deps etc.) but nothing worked. Anyone by any chance run in to this before?
Copy code
model Customer {
  id           String         @id @unique
  createdAt    DateTime       @default(now())
  updatedAt    DateTime       @updatedAt
  customerId   String         @unique
  subscription Subscription[]
have you included the dependencies as a layer to the lambda? does your lambda have correct permissions attached?