I'm trying out the latest SST with the updated dem...
# help
I'm trying out the latest SST with the updated demo app. I already had a deployment of the demo app from many months ago, I was trying to update that deployment but its creating all new stacks. I think it would be good practice for me to figure out how to update existing stacks, rather than replace them. Or should I just try to keep the cognito user pool and the storage stack? Any tips? Thanks.
it's likely because of changes we made to the stack id
it's probably deploying new stacks called
instead of
you can override the
in the index file per stack
Thanks, I'll give that a try.
BTW, I love the new syntax:
Copy code
could you recommend any reading to help me understand how that works?
I made a video explaining the thinking behind functional vs class:


but are you curious about the underlying implementation?
I need to explore more, but I was curious how
Thanks for the link, I'll check it out.
The typing for
is fairly simple, we take your input and return
ReturnType<typeof yourfunc>
I'm trying to understand how it gets the previous stacks in the chain from index.js and not just a new instance of the stack.
I watched the video. I think I understand it now, we're now defining stacks as functions, instead of classes. Now I'm wondering what if you need to pass two instances of a stack into another stack. Can you alias the function so that two instances can be passed in?
You can create a function that returns a function and do
Copy code
StackA = StackBuilder()
StackB = StackBuilder()
or define the stacks normally and call a common function
Copy code
function StackA(ctx) {
  return StackBuilder(ctx)

function StackB(ctx) {
  return StackBuilder(ctx)
where this pattern is weaker is fully dynamic stacks that aren't known at compile time. still possible but uglier
in terms of getting the previous stacks, we just have a global object that keeps track of all initialized stacks
This is great. Thank you.