Wondering if anyone had any insights or example co...
# help
Wondering if anyone had any insights or example code of how they perform integration tests atm using jest and SST? I would ideally be keen to test at a high level my api and validate adding/getting objects works as expected, without really caring about implementation detail. Though am a bit unsure how I would authenticate my requests in a test suite, i am currently using aws cognito and iam (similar to what is seen in the guide) as my auth for my api. Any help would be greatly appreciated 🙏
we're going to be sharing our thinking on this soon
I will say AWS Cognito makes proper integration tests extremely difficult
@Noah D I've had great success with using dependency injection to unit test the handlers . If you are dead set on maintaining integration tests, cypress or another e2e framework like playwrite might be your best bet. I did it with jest for about a month and I will tell you it's not worth the trouble when Cognito is involved.
Thanks for the thoughts on this guys, yea figured it wouldn't be super easy to achieve. Ideally would want to ensure my api is acting as I would expect from a pure input & output perspective. But might settle for some solid unit tests in the interim. Keen to hear more about what you guys have come up with @thdxr