:wave: can I have my api `customDomain` something ...
# help
👋 can I have my api
something like api-hello.great.world.com ? let's say I own world.com domain from aws. I try something similar but when it's deployed the customDomain is still not what I named it
i faintly remember someone who had a similar problem
could it be that the construct just treats everything after the first dot as the domain
maybe show your setup and what it makes of it
i think this was the thread i remembered, its probably not exactly like your issue https://serverless-stack.slack.com/archives/C01JG3B20RY/p1650744821876789
Thanks @Adrian Schweizer!
Yeah this should work
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customDomain: {
  domainName: "<http://api-hello.great.world.com|api-hello.great.world.com>",
  hostedZone: "<http://world.com|world.com>",
Hmm, weird in my api stack I have :
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customDomain: getCustomDomain(app.stage as "prod" | "dev"),
where `getCustomDomain`: (it's an example)
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const getCustomDomain = (stage: "prod" | "dev") => {
  return {
    domainName: `${stage}-<http://api.great.world.com|api.great.world.com>`,
    hostedZone: "<http://world.com|world.com>",
in seed I have
environment where my backend and frontend is deployed but my frontend still calls random generated api domain ;/
I think I figured that out i should pass
_getCustomDomain_(_stack.stage as_ "prod"
instead of app.stage. @Frank what's the difference with
Do you deploy single stacks?
I think if you start or deploy with --stage dev, app.stage should be set correctly
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npx sst start --stage dev
if you use the functional construct, you'll probably have to add app to the parameter destructuring, or it will be null, but since you're using Typescript, it should warn you about that
@Frank just FYI this does not work
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customDomain: {
  domainName: "<http://api-hello.great.world.com|api-hello.great.world.com>",
  hostedZone: "<http://world.com|world.com>",
it does not pass the regex validation. That's what the error says
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Status: failed
  Error: 1 validation error detected: Value '<https://hello-api.world.hello.com>' at 'domainName' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must satisfy regular expression pattern: ^(\*\.)?(((?!-)[A-Za-z0-9-]{0,62}[A-Za-z0-9])\.)+((?!-)[A-Za-z0-9-]{1,62}[A-Za-z0-9])$ (Service: AWSCertificateManager; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ValidationException; Request ID: e8516c2a-fade-494c-b163-6af0ed29bb92; Proxy: null)
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'<https://hello-api.world.hello.com>' is just an example but my domain naming is very similar
Are you sure you are defining it without the https:// ? Because according to regex101.com, it does match without it
@Adrian Schweizer wow you actually right. I had https:// in the front.
yeah, i had that problem too, previously
maybe the regex should be set up so that it allows an optional http(s):// prefix
it does say domainName, though, and not URL, so I guess it's correct currently