Today I found that one of my developers had gone d...
# guide
Today I found that one of my developers had gone down a bit of a rabbit hole. I'd asked him to look into migrating one of our existing app backends from serverless framework to SST. I discovered a few days later that he'd clicked the button on the homepage labelled 'Read the Guide' thinking it would take him to a guide about SST. Instead this took him to the fullstack app tutorial on serverless framework ( a great guide, but not the one he needed) If he'd clicked on the button next to it that's labelled 'Get Started' instead, he would have saved himself (and me) 3.5 days of wasted time and confusion. I therefore think that the homepage needs to do a better job of segregating the older serverless framework stuff out from the new sexy SST stuff.
I agree, it’s hard to know the difference between SLS and SST at the beggining.
And the website should decouple one from other.
Even from me, after using SLS for years, is hard to know sometimes if something is talking about SLS or SST.
So I imagine for new devs might be harder.
Oh that’s horrible. Sorry guys!
@Jay when are we planning to have the SST guide, and make the msging more clear on the landing page?
Yeah big oof, sorry guys. We’ll start working on separating the two out in the guide. It’ll take at least a week or two. So in the meantime, maybe we need to put up a sign clarifying that the guide is still using SLS?
No worries, yeah, that'd do it as a stop gap
What? Had i not read this comment, I wouldn't have known the difference. I am following serverless guide (great guide, wish other guide to be like that with front end app as well) and i just realized that there is a different guide for sst 😞
@Jay @Frank Definitely want to echo need for a SST updated guide. With SST now a stand-alone tool, it’s difficult as a newcomer to the platform to understand the recommended way get a full project on its feet, and to utilize and compose all of the new functionality you’ve been creating. I had hoped I could hop between the current SLS+SST Guide content and the SST docs but it’s difficult to know what pieces or techniques are no longer relevant or currently correct. Hoping it’s something you can still make a dent in over the next couple weeks. And thanks for all the amazing work, excited to be able to put it into use.
One example of the confusion / missing detail – When you ‘start’ the SST boilerplate project it creates many resources, including DynamoDB tables, S3 buckets that are not defined in the SST code. I don’t see mention of these as being part of the API construct that is part of the code. It’s hard to know how or why these have been created and if/when you should append them with other resources. I love the idea of being able to leverage well-conceived higher order patterns and building blocks, but it’s tricky to know how and when to compose these as a larger system without the an example like your larger guide provided.
@Clayton Yeah I totally get what you mean. It’s a slightly big undertaking but @Frank and I will bump this up in priority.