<@U01MV4U2EV9> - would love to pick your brain abo...
# guide
@thdxr - would love to pick your brain about Prisma + Aurora + SST. I have a few questions if you get a minute to reply. Thank you! 1. Are you configuring SST’s APIs to hit a local database when running
sst start
? If so, how is that configured? 2. How are you handling Prisma client generation and migrations inside of a CI/CD pipeline? (I’m using Github Actions) 3. I haven’t gotten to the Prisma layer deployment yet, but anything tricky to note there?
I don't use Prisma anymore but back when I was using it I did use a local postgres. I basically passed a conditional parameter into the lambda function like this:
Copy code
DATABASE_MODE: app.local ? "local" : "remote"
And then it would only connect locally during
sst start
2. Generally I like gitignoring anything generated with codegen and do everything in CI. Prisma by default writes into
so it's likely ignored. I just ran
yarn prisma generate
as a step before building
3. Shouldn't be anything tricky with the Prisma layer. It is big which will slow down your cold starts
I recommend looking into Prisma's data proxy. It makes it so you don't ship these heavy binaries inside your lambda but it's another thing to configure
Curious what you’re using in favor of Prisma now?
I've been doing a bunch of prototyping and benchmarking with this: https://github.com/koskimas/kysely My current recommendation is to use that library with Planetscale if you want a relational db. If you want to stay in AWS recommend using RDS + Data API. Wrote a bit about the benchmarking here: https://thdxr.com/post/serverless-relational-showdown
I have to stick with AWS, but Planetscale looks cool. My biggest issue with Data API is there’s not a lot of tooling ecosystem support for it.
I see you’re building something though 😄 https://github.com/serverless-stack/kysely-data-api
Haha yeah integration with kysely and data api. It's actually complete, just need to write up some readme and add some more tests
That's why I built it - data api is inaccessible right now but it is the least annoying way to use RDS with serverless
Curious how you’d handle migrations via the data api without this adapter for kysely.
kysely supports migrations and the adapter I have works with it
But otherwise I maybe would do migrations using a tool going over the normal connection. I really avoid VPC though so I'd probably just use data api
Planetscale doesn’t have read replica binlog support so it’s not easy to get data out for analytics
@thdxr I’m back at data-api and wondering how you’ve done local testing in the past. I found this package: https://github.com/koxudaxi/local-data-api - Curious if you have any other solutions to using data-api with a local database.
I've been abstracting database access through
so for local mode I just use the normal postgres adapter. No part of my application is aware if it's talking to data api or not
oooh that makes sense
Otherwise I'd recommend always using a remote RDS instance even for "local" dev
Even for tests?
Yeah, it's weird but serverless is a big shift so a lot needs to be rethought. For dynamo I use a remote instance for everything
I'm even thinking about running my tests remotely 😱
How confident are you with your data-api adapter for kysely? I’d love to use it but yanno, kinda fresh 😄
data-api-client leaves much to be desired
Is SST officially supporting that adapter? I noticed it’s under the org
Yeah we're writing a new getting started guide and for the RDS path we're going to be using kysely + our adapter. That said you can look to see how little the adapter is actually doing, just forwarding the built sql to the data api and processing responses
So really comes down to how good kysely itself is
And kysely is the best typescript codebase I've seen in my life so I have a lot of faith in the author. It is relatively new and not as well known though
yeah that’s my biggest concern. It does look great though
I feel better knowing that SST will be adopting it though
Giving Kysley a go, but encountering an error when transpiling to lambda code:
Copy code
> node_modules/pg/lib/native/client.js:4:21: error: Could not resolve "pg-native" (mark it as external to exclude it from the bundle, or surround it with try/catch to handle the failure at run-time)
    4 │ var Native = require('pg-native')
You know how to get around that?
yeah need since pg has native deps it can't be bundled
in your function
Copy code
bundle: {
        nodeModules: ["kysely", "pg"],
ah, yes. will give that a try ty
Hmm still complaining about pg-native. Do I need to explicitly put pg-native in there?
I guess I didn’t have pg-native installed
only pg
I didn't think I needed pg-native
I guess try it and see
yeah it’s working now
Got it working with your dialect!
Soooo much better than data-api-client
nice 🙌🏽
Hmmm... In my CI runner it fails to bundle and it's def in my package.json. Building Lambda function packages/backend/src/services/default.handler Error: Cannot extract version for module 'kysely'. Check that it's referenced in your package.json or installed. at extractDependencies
never seen that error before with any other modules. something special about the bundle key? Need to read the docs I guess. 😅
Are you using a mono-repo setup?
I think with our currently implementation you have to add kysely to your package.json at root.
is basically a list of packages that are pulled from npm and added into your function's bundle. So it looks for at package.json to find the version. We should probably just copy it from
cc @Frank does that work or is there a reason we pull from npm?
Yes, using yarn workspaces
Yeah if you add kysely + other nodeModules to the root package.json it should work for now. We should make this a bit smarter so it finds the nested package.json
This is only for packages in bundle?
right now it looks for the package version in
next to
- which is why it's complaining it can't find the version
Ah, makes sense
Really it should be looking in yarn.lock if anything but we should probably not care about version and just copy it out of your node_modules
right, right
yeah if u specify
, SST creates a temp folder, write a
with the modules specified in
, and then does a npm/yarn install. This to ensure all their dependencies are also pulled.
Hello @Frank and @thdxr. I’m starting to implement a data access layer and seeing this thread is super helpful. So you are using Kysely. Just curious have you looked into TypeORM? According to @revmischa it seems to work well with Serverless. While I’ve used it in the past, my concern on TypeORM is that it seems a bit bloated.
I personally prefer query builders to ORMs which is why I lean towards Kysely. Comes down to personal preference though - if you feel TypeORM is too heavy you probably will enjoy Kysely
I used Knex a good but a while back too. I’ll have a closer look. One remaining concern is the light weight documentation for Kysely… do you think the work you are doing will lead into some code examples with SST/Kysely
Yeah we definitely will have more examples. Kysely is technically well documented
they heavily use jsdoc so you'll see docs right in your editor
I've been using Kysely this week and it's been great. The inline jsdocs are super helpful with even examples showing up in vscode.
Hey guys I think I almost have this going… should this work with MySQL in addition to Postgres? I’m getting the following error which seems to indicate the wrong driver is being selected…
ERROR BadRequestException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '"tblCounter"' at line 1; Error code: 1064; SQLState: 42000
Ok , looking at
import { Driver, PostgresAdapter } from "kysely";
https://github.com/serverless-stack/kysely-data-api/blob/67face7b80e152d8bc2cfeeb1950c91bf003a7a3/src/data-api-dialect.ts#L1 It looks like it is bound to
, but given that is the only reference to PostgresAdapter, I’m hoping I can possibly fork to a new
swap for
If this is the case would it make sense to be more explicate about the dialect? So the current one would be
? and the “mysql” one would be
. Could also just do a single
and export both so we could use:
import {DataApiPostgresDialect, DataApiMysqlDialect } from 'kysely-data-api';
and keep it in one module.
I guess it comes down to the approach: 1) fork current data-api-dialect to make a new “MySQL Dialect” for atomic module. This makes some sense for long term extensibility for other dialects,.. Insert database here. 2) extend current dialect with multiple exported modules
to keep it all together. I suppose this thread might belong on the Kysely project.
I'm going to update it to support both. I was waiting for MySQL support to land which it has now
In reading the documentation from AWS it seems that the Aurora Serverless V1 is maybe not meant for production... • Infrequently-used applications • Development and test databases I'm hoping for v2 in the near future with Data API, which seems to be better production fit based on the docs... that said for now do you guys free V1 is accessible for production applications using Lambda/SST? I specifically have needed MySQL for Geospatial queries for our application, but not kinda thinking maybe I should refactor this code to DynamoDB.
If you're using mysql have you considered planetscale?
Otherwise I do feel Serverless v1 can be used in production - you just can't set it to scale to 0
Thanks Dax, I’m having to stick to AWS for this project so have really looked into Planetscale much I’m also super interested in the whole approach of Aurora Serverless.
BTW I forked your project based to build a MySQL specific Dialect, but paused. I think your right it makes sense to keep it in one package.
Let me know when your are ready with the Kysely Data API for MySQL I can test.
Let me play around with it tonight
Cool, thanks!
got it working - that was easy 😄
I'm going to publish a new version - I didn't test it exhaustively so lmk if something is weird
pushed, it's version 0.0.7 and I started the basis of a Readme: https://github.com/serverless-stack/kysely-data-api
I’ll dig in tonight Excited!!
Works! Thanks so much Dax! Awesome