Is there a good resource for EventBridge that goes...
# random
Is there a good resource for EventBridge that goes beyond what is is and why it's great ? Specifically interested in dev experience, how to manage schemas and if there's tooling to help.
I’ve found Typescript super useful for managing event schemas. I have the event publisher export an event type that consumers can call. And I use generics for example
and union types where there could be different versions of the same event
At some point probably makes sense to create a lib to keep all the types for events in one place
So you don't actually use the schema registry, it's just TS types ?
It’s turned on in dev, but I haven’t found it all that useful
Here’s my registry dashboard for an app that’s been running awhile. There are pages of duplicates, and I’m not sure exactly how to consume these
I guess I could download typescript types from it, and put it in my codebase…but would rather just have the types inferred from usage.
Now that you mention 'not finding it useful' I checked an assumption I had ... it's just a registry
I thought if you use the registry it also validates events
so yeah, would agree then ... not all that useful
Yeah that’d be useful - or even anomaly detection once you’ve told it - here’s what this event should look like
Otherwise loving eventbridge though - pretty much everything in my app has EB push into SQS which triggers lambdas