am I way off-base here? this just seems like a hug...
# random
am I way off-base here? this just seems like a huge flaw in CDK.
I thought I was confused before regarding this, I am using PrivateLink to connect to external APIs, seems like that can be avoided.
Good catch, it’s a team issue, cdk and aws core teams are conflicted lol. 😂
I didn’t want to outright say it in the issue, but at worst, it seems unethical to lead people to believe private subnets require NAT Gateways ($90/mo to cover 3 AZs).. and at the very least, it seems careless
NAT gateways are so expensive
It's what lead me to shift to a no-vpc setup
they are. and you don’t really need them, is the thing! unless you want your private resources accessing the outside Internet. I’ve set up RDS before with private subnets and no NAT.
Very naughty
I'm actually trying to figure out right now why our application which isnt even live yet counted 70TB of data through NAT gateways, and racked up a $1k bill
and then only after that learned the NAT gateways didnt even need to exist
@Christopher Fraser do you mind if I quote you in that GitHub issue? (I’ll censor your name) AWS needs to know this kind of stuff
Go for it