I need a 2nd pair of eyes if anyone’s around, beca...
# random
I need a 2nd pair of eyes if anyone’s around, because #1 it’s late my brainpower is waning; #2, sometimes multiple levels of async stuff confuses me a little 😅 does this code make sense at all?
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let middyfied = middy(
      APIGatewayProxyResult | undefined
    >(async (event, context) => {
      let claims: JWTClaims | null = null;
      let result: InnerHandlerResult | void;

      await initSentry();
in other words, does it make sense to initialize Sentry (with the DSN, etc) inside the
? my thinking is that the initialization doesn’t actually matter until Sentry is about to send off an error. all the code in their
just seems like setup.
welp, I can’t see how this setup can work. 🤔 Sentry init is now async because it makes a call to SSM to fetch the release hash. so then I can’t call that within any of my API funcs because they’re wrapped in
you need top level await support for this probably. you could use a before handler to deal with the init probably but it’ll add to the boot time. 😑
Copy code
export function wrapApiHandler<S>(
  schema: S,
  handler: HandlerForPrivateEndpoint<S> | HandlerForPublicEndpoint<S>,
  publicEndpoint = false
): Handler<
  APIGatewayProxyResult | undefined
> {
  let middyfied = middy(async () => {
    await initSentry();

    return new Promise(resolve =>
        APIGatewayProxyResult | undefined
        // @ts-ignore
      >(async (event, context) => {
        let claims: JWTClaims | null = null;
        let result: InnerHandlerResult | void;
this is getting quite ugly 😬 like.. I can’t wrap my head around this level of functional programming
while it looks ugly, this should work. Life would’ve been much easier with top-level await though. 😅
what does that look like? I thought you can’t use
at top level
and no, my code above is totally in a non-working state 😕
I’d rather not have to write
await initSentry()
inside every single API function
Node 14 and AWS Lambdas now support it but sst doesn’t. with top level await you could simply return a promise before calling the handler.
very curious how Dax has this set up. but I don’t wanna ping him this late
you could make the wrapper sync by using the lambda handler callback instead of the async handler, that could work.
Yeah I remember @thdxr brought up top level await back then. I think he moved the async stuff inside the Lambda handler as a workaround. I will let him confirm in the morning.
oh.. of course! geez. I haven’t used
in so long, I kinda forgot about it.
yeah, cuz Dax said he was fetching his Sentry release from SSM, which is async.. so he’d have to be using some trickery here
I remember him mentioning a library called deasync and some trickery related to it.
didn’t work 😕 I suppose I’ll wait till tomorrow on this
this is why I’m in the OOP camp vs the FP camp 😄
weird lol!
I did something terrible to get around the top level await thing. I used deasync package lol
I looked more into supporting it and esbuild doesn't support it yet
@thdxr shouldn’t it be possible to wrap the Sentry wrapper (which wraps the Lambda handler) and call
await initSentry()
before returning the Sentry-wrapped handler?
my brain broke last night because I have: my wrapper -> middy -> Sentry wrapper -> handler
that + TypeScript types for function return values + async, I just.. can’t 😅
I haven't looked into the middy setup specifically yet. But theoretically yeah it should be possible