anyone try this out: <
# random
I have not tried it, one issue I found with these sorts of libraries is that they never have all the stuff you need and some pattern you are using won’t work 😂 I ended up doing my own thing that makes the code super complicated and fragile 😞 and I am also searching for a good solution (I will check out this repo also) because I want the code to be more readable and easier to maintain
I actually love dynamodb-toolbox it's been incredible at implementing singletable design
onetable looks very similar so I want to try it out
One thing I did not like about dynamo-toolbox is that you can’t use the same attributes with multiple gsi’s at least not without writing the core yourself
I think you can
You can specify a default: attr => string function in your gsi that references whatever attributes you need
I did this recently
My main issue with dynamo toolbox (and maybe I'm using it wrong) is that for
I have to manualy build my primary key. I was looking for a function that could generate it given the attributes
Yep and use the onUpdate to update them when something changes, but I would love to not have to write the logic inside of the default
Another thing about onetable (which is coming in v4 of toolbox) is it uses generics to create types for your schemas
Really need that
Yes very much needed
I tried it but the typing was no way near as good as I would like it to be
@Thomas Ankcorn what did you end up using
I hope one day either prisma supports dynamodb, or somebody builds a good alternative where I can define my entities with a DSL and all the methods are strongly typed
We use dynomoose but are not happy with it for a few reasons, was trying a few alternatives but non stood out as good enough that switching was worth it as the project is massive
I found this one a while back but it was lacking some features that I need but it looks like it has a lot of activity going on
Is migration support of much value? That seems like a big differentiator over toolbox
@thdxr just wanted to report back on this, I migrated my old implementation to onetable and it is really working great for me
oo nice. I had a friend try it out as well and seemed to have good things to report. Think I'm gonna switch over