For someone who knows next to nothing about hardwa...
# random
For someone who knows next to nothing about hardware, can someone explain when (assuming CDK and/or SST support it) I should consider changing my lambdas to the new ARM architecture? I realise that lambdas with binaries, like sharp, won't be able to use it, but otherwise, is it a no-brainer to move? If not, what are the considerations?
Also is there quick way of identifying whether my dependency tree contains binaries? Other than inspecting the yarn log?
Yes it's a no brainer, all upside
And I don't think there's a way to tell but esbuild would fail to bundle any library that has a binary
So of you aren't using any externals with esbuild you're probably fine
Cool, thanks - so is it a case of waiting until SST is upgraded to support latest CDK?
Updated CDK to 1.125.0 in v0.45.0