Creating a test bed to see how sst scales for lots...
# random
Creating a test bed to see how sst scales for lots of stacks/functions
yes I forgot to
+ i
on function
Time to wait 4 hours for the initial CF deploy to finish...
I’m not sure what the point of this test is. What does it prove? That AWS has big infrastructure?
There is actually a limit to the Cloudformation Changeset. Something like 50KB
I'm setting this up so I can run
sst start
and see what's slow when you have a lot going on
heard from some companies with larger sst setups that certain things were slow
I’m not surprised. That is why it’s best to decouple everything. They shouldn’t be testing hundreds of functions locally and expect everything to go smoothly
well on the sst side there's definitely things we can be doing better to improve some of those issues that should help whether you have 1 or 100 functions. Trying to get some numbers on those things
I see
And I made my whole computer freeze 😄 seems like I'm on the right track...
Devs waiting for CloudFormation / CodePipeline is the biggest drain on society.