hey all, what’s the easiest way to send an alert (...
# random
hey all, what’s the easiest way to send an alert (of some kind) that a long-running process is complete? like if a user makes an API call, it returns with a 202 (async process). the process completes, and it should somehow let the user know, like via email. is EventBridge the way to go? (one Lambda alerting another one)
Not sure if it's the best way to do this, but in the past we just used SNS to notify a Lambda function and from there, can go anywhere really.
@Sam Hulick have you considered using a Step Function?
Have the API directly invoke the Step Function (it will return the 200). Then the Step Function will do its thing like wait for a task to complete before progressing to the next step (such as sending an email via SNS). I highly recommend you looking at this as the most reliable option.
@Joe Kendal yeah, I’m using step functions in other places. in this case it would be overkill because it’s literally just ONE Lambda function with a long-running process. it’s not several functions that depend on the results of each other