Modulz, the team behind the StitchesJs has been ac...
# random
Modulz, the team behind the StitchesJs has been acquired by WorkOs. @thdxr You're a big Stitches fan, right? You did write the SolidJs bridge for Stitches; which I'm using BTW :-)
yeah I've been keeping an eye on this since their discord went to no response like 3 months ago
I'm working on a better replacement with another person (mostly him working on it)
it'll support static extraction and be built on vanilla-extract
my solid-stitches adapter is very janky but it works haha
haha. What exactly is static extraction 🤔
So stitches is actually completely incompatible with some of react 18 without incurring a huge performance penalty. Here's the idea you're defining these styles in JS. That means at runtime when the app is booting up, it needs to execute all your code, figure out what stylesheet looks like and inject it in the DOM. Static extraction is an approach where at build time it goes through your code and pulls out all of your
calls and executes it once to figure out the CSS. Then at runtime it loads like a normal CSS file and there's very little runtime code that wouldn't be there if you were just using normal CSS
Oh, yeah. That's pretty nifty