Hi everyone, quick question regarding hybrid apps ...
# sst
Hi everyone, quick question regarding hybrid apps on seed.run. I’m currently migrating my serverless framework (built using serverless-stack v3) to SST. I created a new service on seed for the SST service and have existing seed services for the serverless.yml services. The deploy succeeds but the SST service is being deployed to a different endpoint (I use
to output the endpoint and see it in the logs) How do I get the SST service to deploy to the same endpoint as the serverless.yml services? The same one that seed.run returns after building. Thank you for your help!
Hey @Justin Kasad, do you mean you want the SST app to reuse an existing Api endpoint that was created in a Serverless Framework service?
Yes I believe so. I’m automatically building when a PR is opened, and seed.run deploys the PR to an endpoint, but the SST service is not on that endpoint and is instead on its own endpoint. This is my current workflow
I see. Are you using the
construct to create the Api endpoint in SST currently?
Yes, its basically straight out of the example
Copy code
export default class MyStack extends sst.Stack {
  constructor(scope, id, props) {
    super(scope, id, props);

    // Create the HTTP API
    const api = new sst.Api(this, "Api", {
      routes: {
        "GET /house/{id}": "src/get.getHouse",


    // Show API endpoint in output
    new cdk.CfnOutput(this, "ApiEndpoint", {
      value: api.httpApi.apiEndpoint,
so sst.Api will create its own endpoint, separate from the one that seed.run makes?
So instead of creating a new endpoint, you can pass an existing Api Gateway HTTP Api endpoint to
and SST will use that instead of creating a new one
Ok that makes sense, but how do i get the HTTP api endpoint that seed generates from (i think) my serverless.yml file? I see an example of how to get/share the endpoint from other sst.Api, but not exactly sure how to get it from serverless
Thank you for your help!
one way you can do it would be to have the
service export the api endpoint as
And in ur sst app:
Copy code
new Api(this, "Api", {
  httpApi: apigatewayv2.fromHttpApiAttributes(this, "MyHttpApi", {
    httpApiId: cdk.Fn.import_value(`${stage}-api-endpoint`).substring(8, 18),
  routes: {
    "GET /notes": "src/list.main",
ie. you have stage called pr123,
will export the deployed endpoint ie.
with value
Then the sst app imports
, parses out
from the endpoint, and use that to import the Api Gateway HTTP Api
Let me know if that makes sense.
Thank you! I’ll try it soon and let you know!
yup.. oh btw.. i should’ve asked this first.. are you using http api or rest api in your serverless.yml?
SST only works with HTTP api at the moment, and can’t import an existing REST api
ah, I’m definitely using a REST api. I was planning on converting everything to SST and was able to successfully debug locally, but I wanted to make sure everything would work smoothly with seed.run before investing time in converting all the API endpoints.
Ah yeah. Feel free to ping me if you run into any hiccups. Txt me at +16478061629 if urgent.