I was in contact with <@U01J5Q8HV5Z> before (more ...
# sst
I was in contact with @Jay before (more than a year ago) via email regarding monorepo project structure with Serverless. According to the guide, "SST supports monorepo setups automatically". I was wondering how a monorepo setup looks like in SST. Is there an example repo?
here there’s a repo with several examples
Thanks! that's great. Unfortunately, I can't find any monorepo example.
@Gerardo Munguia Hoyo would love to see a monorepo example too. We decided to go with one sst App with multiple stacks. There was thread a while few days ago that was valuable. I bookmarked this comment. Take a look. https://serverless-stack.slack.com/archives/C01JG3B20RY/p1614801955087600?thread_ts=1614800747.081100&amp;cid=C01JG3B20RY
@Gerardo Munguia Hoyo In most cases, you don’t need a monorepo for SST. With Serverless Framework, each project is 1 CloudFormation stack, and you often need multiple projects. For SST, you can define multiple stacks within the same app.
brilliant! that thread is really useful. I'll give this a try