<@U01R7RRL8SZ> from 0.9.18 it is possible to use a...
# sst
@Dmitry Pavluk from 0.9.18 it is possible to use all the predefined esbuild loaders; would it work for you to do something like
Copy code
import sql from './sql/seed.sql'

// Do something with the sql (which is just a string)
That’s a pretty easy setup (I can share it)
I tried that as well - I just got the name of the file, not the contents
I got around it by just hardcoding the path to those files, shouldn't need to use them outside of local dev anyway
mmh OK, but it works for me (I am bundling HTML, CSS with that method). You just need to :
Copy code
return new sst.Api(this, 'Api', {
      defaultFunctionProps: {
        bundle: {
          loader: {
            '.html': 'text',
            '.css': 'text'
      routes: { ...
Well I need SQL files to load, haven't been able to get the
esBuild loader to grab them.
I don't truly need esBuild to load them. I just need them in the
folder to be referenceable. They're loaded via
. The
option would be a lot more conducive to our use case.
In the end, it was as simple as
copyFiles: [{ from: "src/db", to: "/src/db" }]
The file structure of the built files vs the development files are a few layers different. But I used a variable flag to change the path resolution accordingly.