`go env GOCACHE`
# sst
go env GOCACHE
Are you suggesting on code change, we rebuild all the Lambda handlers? Each handler takes ~0.2s to build. The handlers I was testing were dummy, not sure the time will be longer for real projects.
I found some code that runs concurrent go builds leveraging all CPU cores. Even that, if you have a handful of Lambdas, rebuilding all takes non-trivial time right?
yeah the thing is there's no way to influence what gets built. I could edit something in a shared package that effects another package which effects another package which effects lambda 1, 3 and 5
Since it gets built into a single binary you would have to rebuild all of them
Go already tries to optimize things when you ask it to "build everything" by caching some of the steps
Got it!
After building an executable
go build -o main main.go
, the first run
takes 40ms, and subsequent runs take <10ms. Is that expected? And is there a way to “pre-warm” the executables?
Yeah I think that's building up the cache. Not sure if there's a way to do it other than to build it once