Hey guys - is there a plan to support Kinesis Data...
# sst
Hey guys - is there a plan to support Kinesis Data Streams for DynamoDB? Currently the framework only supports the old style streams
Hey @Michael Clifford, yeah let’s add support it. I was looking for an example of hooking up Kinesis stream to DynamoDB stream in CDK, but didn’t find any. Most examples still use the old style streams.
Have you come across any examples?
I haven't but with our use case it will be nice to have DynamoDB->Kinesis Data Stream directly.
Traditionally we use a DynamoDB Stream to trigger a Lambda to Kinesis (DyamoDB->Stream->Lambda->Kinesis). The new way will greatly simply things
Right.. and does ur Kinesis feed into a Lambda?
No, we are using Kinesis Firehose to dump into a S3 bucket
Just looked up the doc, so CDK currently doesn’t support Kinesis stream for DynamoDB. But you can do something like this to set it at the CloudFormation level:
Copy code
const stream = new kinesis.Stream(this, "MyStream", {...});
const table = new sst.Table(this, "MyTable", {...});
const cfTable = table.dynamodbTable.node.defaultChild as CfnTable;
cfTable.addPropertyOverride('KinesisStreamSpecification.StreamArn', stream.streamArn)
@Frank thank you for this - I'm going to take a look and see what our options are
Hey @Michael Clifford, not sure if you are currently configuring DynamoDB streams and Lambda consumers using SST. There’s a minor change to the input format for the consumers in the v0.21.0 release. Just wanted to give you a heads up. And here are more details on how to migrate to v0.21.0 https://docs.serverless-stack.com/constructs/Table#upgrading-to-v0210
It should be very straight forward. But let me know if you have any questions.
@Frank thanks. We ended up going to CF route because we wanted to utilize Kinesis Data Streams but this is good info.