I think I must be doing something stupid here but ...
# sst
I think I must be doing something stupid here but I just can't see it. I have a stack that I'm trying to run locally. My sst.json looks like:
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  "name": "some-name",
  "stage": "local",
  "region": "eu-west-2",
  "lint": true,
  "typeCheck": true
I have a file in the root of the application named
In the docs here it says that the app should load the env vars in that file because my stage is local. However, this doesn't happen. If I console log
inside my stack definition ts file, none of the vars are there. What am I missing?
I'm launching via VSCode debugger. Config is:
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            "type": "node",
            "request": "launch",
            "name": "Launch SST",
            "runtimeVersion": "14.17.0",
            "runtimeExecutable": "${workspaceRoot}/node_modules/.bin/sst",
            "runtimeArgs": ["start", "--increase-timeout"],
            "port": 9229,
            "skipFiles": ["<node_internals>/**"],
            "console": "integratedTerminal",            
Maybe it's a timing thing. Just scaffolded a brand new app. In the first stage I see
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 Deploying debug stack
and the env vars from .env.local are not there. Then after
Copy code
 Deploying app
they are there. The tricky thing here is that in my stack I'm performing some checks to see if those variables are defined (we have a lot so want to provide meaningful error messages if some are missed) However, this check fails on the first pass as they're not there yet
I think I need to do the checks in the stack constructor
Hey @Ross Coundon, currently the
variables are available anywhere in your CDK code. FYI, they are loaded at the start of the CDK process. Where are you doing the checks currently?
is a special file gets loaded for all stages. (ie. even if the stage is
) Where as
will only get loaded in the
If I try to access outside of the stack class, they're not available while the 'Deploying debug stack' phase runs but are available when the 'Deploying app' phase runs
I've solved the problem by moving the code that access to them into the constructor
hmm.. the CDK code only gets run when the “Deploying app” phase runs. Can you show me a snippet how you were checking it in the “Deploying debug stack”?
Like this:
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if(process.env.SOME_VAR === 'blahdy blah') throw new Error('SOME_VAR missing');

export default class OmwOfscBeStack extends sst.Stack {
 /// ...content omitted
Ah ic. I will give that a try.
To be fair, what I have now works which is effectively
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export default class OmwOfscBeStack extends sst.Stack {
  constructor(scope: <http://sst.App|sst.App>, id: string, props?: sst.StackProps) {
    super(scope, id, props);
    if(process.env.SOME_VAR === 'blahdy blah') throw new Error('SOME_VAR missing');
However, it'd be faster to fail if it were possible to do the check on the first pass
Yup.. I think it’s fair to expect the .env vars are available anywhere in the CDK file (even outside of the constructor).
Hey @Ross Coundon, this should be fixed in v0.28.1.
vars are now set before deploying the debug stack.
Great, just saw that release notification and thought it was. Thanks again