<@U01JVDKASAC> how to send email using nodemailer ...
# sst
@Frank how to send email using nodemailer and handlebars. How to config SST ?
Send from a lambda? What's handlebars needed for?
Hi Ross, it is used for sending html designed emails.
Ah, got you. So you're sending HTML emails from lambda? If so, it's no different, I believe it's integrated with SES and you can pass in a reference to the aws sdk when initialising. Are you asking how to set up SES?
Yes, please help me.
I think you'll need to use CDK rather than SST. I'm not familiar with the setup on CDK but wanted to clarify the question for anyone else on here that's looking
@Sakar, are you looking to verify your email address with SES?
Or are you asking how to make a call to AWS SES in your Lambda code to send an email?
@Frank I am looking to send html template mails from lambda code.
Is it the lambda sending part that you're stuck with or the setup of SES via CDK?
@Frank Is there a away to push my local assets folder to the stack. I get TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "path" argument ...
@Sakar can you share a sample repo with the issue? That’d be easier for me to see what you are currently doing and reproduce the issue.
@Frank made it work by reading the template from s3 bucket and gave it to handlebars template engine. Because lambada is not reading from temp dir. Anyway thanks for your support.