General question around mixed Lambdas: I’m curren...
# sst
General question around mixed Lambdas: I’m currently working on a project where an application makes use of Lambdas written in TypeScript and C#, is it possible to define a stack for the C# Lambdas using TypeScript? My initial thinking is to have a stack each for the TS and C# Lambdas and then another stack that references the resources defined by those two stacks. Am I crazy? Is there a better way of doing this?
Been thinking about this as well, would love to hear other people's approaches
So far I haven't seen much benefit it splitting things into multiple stacks
Agree with @thdxr, we have lambdas of different runtimes in the same stack. Any specific concerns?
Btw.. SST currently doesn’t support C# but it’s coming soon
what’s ur timeline for needing to setup C# runtime?
So the stack itself doesn’t need to be written in C#, just wanted to see if there were any particular concerns with referencing TS and C# lambdas in a monorepo within the same SST Stack/Application.
We can write some scripts to handle the build steps and invoke those before we execute the sst build function(s), but thought it was worth asking the question because, well, you never know 🙂
If SST/CDK is going to fall over then we may need to rethink out current strategy for our application.
Yeah, our stacks are written in TS. And have TS and Python lambdas mixed in the same stack. If that’s ur concern, that’s totally fine.
The reason I’m asking for the timeline is because, currently SST doesn’t support C# lambdas, meaning when you run
sst start
, you won’t be able to work on it live. Like you said, you’d have to compile them manually. So I was just curious if having
sst start
support for C# lambdas is something you guys are considering.
That would be great but it’s not something we need to make the current plan work, which was my main concern. Didn’t want to run in to any weird gotchas or incompatibilities; I didn’t think there would be but it’s always nice to check 🙂