I came across <swc> today - a superfast TypeScript...
# sst
I came across swc today - a superfast TypeScript compiler written in rust and tried it out, and it is superfast. It got me wondering would it be possible for SST to use it, or perhaps offer the option. It could speed up builds considerably if type checking wasn't required. I.e. in our development cycle, we catch all typescript type related errors prior to the deployment step anyway, so having the swc option could mean much faster builds. This article is where I came across it.
Nice, let me take a look. I was hoping for something to speed up type checking.
Yeah, that's not covered (yet) Some compilation benchmarks here
There's been a clamour for the TypeScript compiler to be entirely re-written in Rust but it's a huge undertaking
There's a guy working on that as a closed source project
Typechecking in rust. He has pretty up to date progress on how many tests remaining to make pass
Last I checked typescript team was explicit that they would not be rewriting it. Kind of sad, I have a beefy desktop and local development with autocomplete is pretty slow
Ah, that's the chap who wrote swc
Oh right it's the same guy