And there you have it. A monorepo, <karaoke-backen...
# sst
And there you have it. A monorepo, karaoke-backend-sst, with 3 microservices thrown together in less than 24 hours: • super easy to learn - the constructs are quite intuitive, the lerna/monorepo thing was new but, easy enough. • had a few typos in my code, like mis-spelled fieldnames in my dynamodb mappings - no problem. Fixed the typos with Live Lambda running, hit send on Postman again, and done. • I'm still not sold, though. I kind of miss the hours and hours I spent messing with serverless.yml, serverless plugins and getting dynamodb local to work in conjunction with deploy and cdk. Don't know what I'm going to do with my life anymore...
This is great! Thanks for putting this together, been thinking about monorepos lately as well
sure thing. it's a nice little monorepo to keep learning serverless with sst. looking forward to adding cognito/jwt, auto tests with ci/cd, etc. I'm excited!
I love it.
I love the clean-arch stuff.
Also been doing that with serverless-framework.
There is also a SST monorepo example created by @Frank.
Thanks, Adrian. Yeah, I spent weeks wresting with serverless framework. This was just super easy and fast. How developing should be - enjoyable and relaxing, like playing with Legos.
❤️ monorepos. We are building ours out with rush.js.
Nice! Keen to see how the project grows. Keep us posted!