Is there any way to start a local run of the UI (u...
# sst
Is there any way to start a local run of the UI (using StaticSite) when you run
sst start
Not at the moment, been thinking about whether this would be useful or if it's better to just run it separately
Yeah probably not a big deal, it would just simplify development
One command to run everything
Thanks for the answer 🙂
@Kujtim Hoxha btw, what are you using to build your frontend? And how do you start it right now?
So the frontend is a vuejs app build with quasar but it is basically as simple as yarn serve
I just start it as a separate process
Also one thing I did is to add the UI related stack only when I run deploy, I think this is something sst should handle the UI resources are not needed for local dev
I see. Can you clarify this?
I did is to add the UI related stack only when I run deploy
How are you doing this currently?
I am basically just doing something like this
Copy code
if (!process.env.IS_LOCAL) {
    new Sitetack(app, 'SiteStack', apiStack.api, authStack.auth);
Oh I see. So currently the StaticSite construct deploys a placeholder site when running locally. Do you mind sharing why you don’t want to deploy it while running it locally?
I've been considering doing this to see if it speeds up
sst start
for local dev
We use
sst start --stage {developer_name}
for local development and those environments won’t get deployed ever, in addition @thdxr is right, if I remember right
sst start
builds the UI also and in our case that is time wasted
Ah. Let me check with @Frank I think the recent versions don’t build the frontend when running locally. Is that right Frank?
Yup, v0.30.0+,
sst start
doesn’t build the frontend app, instead a stub site is deployed
ah got it thanks
Since CF can be slow even for deploying a stub site I decided make it not run on local
@thdxr yeah if you run
sst start
sst deploy
, it’d need to deploy the stub site again.
If you stop
sst start
and then restart it, it shouldn’t get deployed through CF again.