I'm trying to deploy application with codepipeline...
# sst
I'm trying to deploy application with codepipeline and I managed to get build sst application with codebuild then result artifact needs to be deployed with cloudformation but I dont know where is the proper cloudformation template in .build folder ? Or which files should be the Artifact ? Can anyone share a solution with codepipeline ?
Hey @Mehmet Ali SARAÇ, I haven’t used SST with code pipeline. But all the could formation templates and Lambda zip files are in
after the build.
Btw, can you run
sst deploy
inside CodeBuild job?
I can
Is there any way that I can manage CI/CD besides SEED ?
There are some ways with AWS CDK to use codepipeline but the assets needs to be set in cloudformation .https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/latest/guide/cdk_pipeline.html
Oh definitely. SST has no tie-ins with Seed. Folks use Seed primarily b/c it’s free for SST projects, but you are free to use any CI service.
Here’s a discussion on setting up CDK Pipelines with SST - https://github.com/serverless-stack/serverless-stack/discussions/279
Give it a try!
I'll check that out