It looks like when you update stack names and then...
# sst
It looks like when you update stack names and then ‘redeploy infrastructure’ in SST local dev - 1. new stacks are deployed with new stack names (expected) 2. original stacks with the prior names remain in CloudFormation (un-expected) Is 2 intentional and something you need to remove manually or is there another way these are cleaned-up later?
CF can’t know if your stack has been removed or just changed name.
You need to remove manually.
CF only knows what is on your code.
So if you delete/rename from the code, it just loose track.
Adrián, you’re helping on all fronts 🙌 Gotcha, so you normally just handle this manually in AWS CloudFormation console then?
Yeah I do it in CF, but I think you can delete with the SST command.
But I mostly do it on CF Console, I have it always open.