Hey guys, I’m using Lerna + Yarn, and had to disab...
# sst
Hey guys, I’m using Lerna + Yarn, and had to disable hoisting due I’m having some issues with my React apps. I’m trying some things to get this resolved. But once I disable hoisting, I’m getting the follwing error:
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SST: 0.44.0
CDK: 1.124.0
Using stage: dev
Preparing your SST app
Detected tsconfig.json
Transpiling source
Linting source
Error: Cannot find module 'eslint'
Require stack:
- /Users/xxx/Projects/xxx/xxx-serverless/.build/eslint.js
Did you disable hoisting globally or just for your react app
Due I’m not sure what’s the problem yet.
I have 2 react apps, and uses different react version.
I’m guessing that’s the problem.
I did this on my main package.json:
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"workspaces": {
    "packages": [
    "nohoist": [
But why SST would depend on hosting?
Can I disable hoisting for one specific folder?
I'm not super familiar with how our eslint integration works but you can disable hoisting on just one sub package
One second
Ok that would be nice to do.
Something in here might be helpful
Ok checking.
Apparently I can add the
on each child package, right?
I’ve tried that but doesn’t look to make a difference.
Added on my frontend packages:
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"workspaces": {
    "nohoist": [
No luck having