Hey <@U01JVDKASAC> <@U01MV4U2EV9> what's the ETA f...
# sst
Hey @Frank @thdxr what's the ETA for CDK v1.126.0 support? Just got an email from AWS where they've identified a bug regarding the removal policy of S3 buckets (namely auto_delete_objects setup being ignored in some cases).
I've been through the heart attack of files deleted along with a stack once already and I'd rather not go through it ever again 😅
I got a hundred emails because of all my AWS accounts lol
We can prioritize this, Frank generally handles updates
Interesting, I only got one, but for a production account O_o
Hey guys! Just opened an issue for this, will try to get it in today https://github.com/serverless-stack/serverless-stack/issues/908
Hey @Lukasz K, we just released v0.46.0 with CDK 1.126.0
Thanks Frank!