If one team is using SST, for example to deploy fr...
# sst
If one team is using SST, for example to deploy front ends, can other teams use cdk. Can the ReactSite construct import Outputs from the cdk App, and use them in env vars / replace values?
Yes this should be possible but haven't done it myself
Since SST just deploys normal CF stacks they should be interoperable
I believe you can use cdk.Fn.importValue('outputname') to get it
Ah, nice, I'll give that a go, thanks 👍
Next question will be if sst-env would work for local dev. Some of the env is coming from the cdk app. I'll see how it goes 👍
It actually won't work, it relies on an sst generated file that's placed in
I was thinking baout making
more generic to work on stack outputs as well