Not sure if you have seen this before <https://mar...
# sst
Not sure if you have seen this before But it's a pretty cool extension that allows looking at DynamoDB tables and cloudwatch logs. It would be cool if we can explore table rows within SST Console now that local lambda logs are available
Definitely on our mind! Just waiting for ppl to bring it up 😁
@Hamed Mamdoohi have you used this CloudWatch logs extension? It seems they call CloudWatch Insights behind the scene, and in my experience CloudWatch Insights have 30sec - 5min delay in my experience.
Have you felt the delay?
I think I have felt the delay but I am not sure how exactly long was it as cloudwatch logs itself is eventually consistent
Right.. that’s true.
Looks great, I've been looking for something like this, (its annoying that the AWS extension can't interact with DB's in vscode) but not sure how well maintained it is? The developers site seems to be hosting malware
@Chad (cysense) are you looking for somethign like this so you don’t have to go to the DynamoDB console?
So we use RDS, but yes. The RDS query console is really bad, and while I know we could some other console, I don't want to expose our DB to the internet. So for us an ideal solution would be a DB console that uses aws apis underneath