I see <https://remix.run/> launched. Would be epic...
# sst
I see https://remix.run/ launched. Would be epic to get in there early games with a construct.
Side note, does anyone find it frustrating that it is basically encouraging a fat lambda? It would be so nice if they could build to a function per route
That's gonna add some limitations in terms of appropriate solutions
Oh btw the remix-run/architect adapter should work
It’s aimed solely at React-created sites, is that right?
Yeah it’s an isomorphic react framework a bit like next but prioritises serving just html and css that is progressively enhanced
@Frank @manitej might be something we can explore to see how it works with SST?
Already WIP @Jay 🌝
Cool landing page but is it backed by a big company like Facebook or Vercel? I wouldn’t take such a big chance on it yet.
It's not but the guys behind it have been around forever. React router folks
Yeah, they appear to be marketing/scaling the project really well. Clever move bringing Kent C. Dodds on board.
I wonder how it holds up against SvelteKit
Really enjoy Rich Harris's talk...


I had a quick chat with Ryan about the direction they're going in
it's pretty exciting
Think we definitely will should be supporting a remix construct
I've been playing with remix for months now, was a supporter back when it was paid. So great! Would love a construct for deploying it, I am deploying it via Terraform right now.
What was their play for supporters when they went open source btw?
@Ben Kraus what is your architecture for deploying it?
Well, take your pick and I've tried it! Originally had it deployed on Lambda@Edge and Cloudfront. I might have done something wrong but I kept getting 503 errors due to it trying to modify a header that wasn't supported through Lambda@Edge. So, currently it's deployed on plain old Lambda with an HTTP API in front of it. I also have a branch that works that deploys it onto App Runner via Docker.
gotcha that's helpful - I was hoping lambda@edge could work since remix is all about speed
yeah, me too. I might have been doing something wrong, but I wasted days on it and just had to get it fixed
also the lack of environment variable support was really annoying - needed to inject cookie signing secrets and that was difficult
ended up just using SSM
FWIW, both the Lambda and the Lambda@Edge deployment is using Remix's express adapter with this package: @vendia/serverless-express
what does the architect integration/implementation do?
straight up lambda?
great insights @Ben Kraus - ty
however, I think this adapter may have been part of the problem with the header stuff - I don't think it allowlisted the headers appropriately, and I had to fork it to add more headers support for cookies
the architect stuff is plain lambda w/ APIGateway v2
honestly - I think we may end up going the App Runner way in the end. Someone mentioned this in the Remix discord, but they deployed it on GCP Cloud Run (which I love). Cloud Run has true scale to zero which is nice, and I hope App Runner gets that. Makes it cheaper for playing around w/ side projects. But the big benefit of something like App Runner is that it's a bigger always-on machine that can handle a lot of simultaneous requests. Plus, with how Remix does nested routing, it'll invoke a loader for each nested route, which could mean that it fires of
lambdas for however deep you are
less latency with a host like App Runner - and perhaps that's why Kent Dodds and others love Fly.io so much - it's kinda like App Runner in that sense but also easy to deploy worldwide, close to their users