Considering Lambda and API Gateway are down in `us...
# sst
Considering Lambda and API Gateway are down in
, are there any docs/sst support for multi-az?
It's hard to create general solutions for multi-az as it's very architecture specific
In this outage case you could move lambdas + api gateway to a different region but if you have a database that isn't going to move regions immediately
Maybe you care enough to have master-master database setups across multiple regions but kind of expensive unless availability is worth the investment
Agree with @thdxr, and would add that SST would not really affect anything multi-region, as most the config would be in route53, Cft, or even some kind of custom Database region routing you would implement, depending on what part of the infra you are working on.
How did you know is down?
I saw issues in the dashboard and then searched twitter
and then I saw it was actually updated on the status page