<@U01JVDKASAC> <@U01MV4U2EV9> Any chance this is s...
# sst
@Frank @thdxr Any chance this is something you would have time to implement in the near future? Or alternatively would accept a PR for? https://github.com/serverless-stack/serverless-stack/issues/1099 https://github.com/serverless-stack/serverless-stack/issues/1100
I think we can definitely make that field public
@Dan Van Brunt @thdxr hey guys… sorry for the late reply.. had a few meetings lined up today.
@thdxr want me to put in the change to expose the deploy id?
I'll take care of it today
THANKS so much guys!
Is #1100 not doable or just a bit much for a quick turnaround? Did you want me to have a peak at it?
I'm just not familiar enough with it to make a call on if we'd want to add that, will defer to frank
I threw an opinion into the ring on the issue (and had scope expansion thoughts), but I am even less familiar, so feel free to take or leave.
@Dan Van Brunt @Derek Kershner saw the discussion you guys had on GitHub, haven’t had a chance to digest it. I will take a closer look at this over the weekend and follow up!