I'm trying to run `sst deploy` and the process han...
# sst
I'm trying to run
sst deploy
and the process hangs at the point where it bundles the first function in the stack. Setting up
sst deploy
within a debug launch config I can see that it gets to this point in Functions.js:
Copy code
else {
            const bundled = core_2.Runtime.Handler.bundle({
                id: logicalId,
                root: root.appPath,
                handler: handler,
                runtime: runtime.toString(),
                srcPath: srcPath,
                bundle: props.bundle,
We've tried this on a couple of different machines, one Windows and one Mac with the same result. I can run
sst start
successfully so it seems like a bundling problem, which the point of hanging would imply too. sst-debug.log looks like this when running deploy from a debugger - output is pratically identical doing a straight
sst deploy
(last line is a console log in the stack)
Copy code
[2021-12-23T12:40:17.939] [DEBUG] default - SST: 0.54.4
[2021-12-23T12:40:17.942] [DEBUG] default - CDK: 1.132.0
[2021-12-23T12:40:17.945] [INFO] default - Using stage: pjn-dev
[2021-12-23T12:40:17.948] [INFO] default - [90mPreparing your SST app[39m
[2021-12-23T12:40:18.181] [DEBUG] core - synth {
  output: '.build/cdk.out',
  app: 'node .build/run.js',
  rollback: true,
  roleArn: undefined,
  verbose: 0,
  noColor: false
[2021-12-23T12:40:18.392] [TRACE] cdk - Debugger attached.

[2021-12-23T12:40:20.742] [TRACE] cdk - Debugger attached.

[2021-12-23T12:40:42.010] [TRACE] cdk - Running locally? false
We're running sst v0.54.4. Any thoughts?
I can see that artifacts for the 1st function are written to the .sst directory too.
It's like it never returns after writing the files
This could just be really slow, I left it to go and make some lunch and came back to find it had carried on. It does however, seem much slower than before
How big is that file?
The portalUserHandler.js
4.2MB, map file is 6.4MB
do you have bundling steps?
beforeBundler, afterBundling, etc
oh looks like there are node_modules I wonder if that's what's taking long for some reason
The steps we do are 1. Before bundle hook 2. Run esbuild 3. beforeInstall hook 4. Install node_modules 5. After bundling hook Since you see the handler it looks like it got to at least #2
So what I found was that there was a compilation problem inside the lambda. However, when running from the command line it seemed to never throw and abort - it's possible I didn't wait long enough but it was left for at least 15 minutes. However, when stepping through, the esbuild bundle step would eventually throw an error and abort.