Missing feature or bug? The `sst update` and `sst...
# sst
Missing feature or bug? The
sst update
sst add-cdk
commands are incompatible with NPM (and yarn?) Workspaces. These sst commands need to be run from the package with sst, but with workspaces all NPM commands must be run at the workspace level (with the -w option to specify the target package).
I use this with yarn workspaces
But it only works with yarn 1.0 workspaces
We're in the process of upgrading to cdk 2.0 which will reduce the usefulness of these commands so will probably rework it soon
Okay. I'll just dump the lock files it generated, delete node_modules, and reinstall everything. Bummer, but not fatal.
Just noticed too that I have some explicit @aws-cdk dependencies and
sst update
didn't update those.
Hold on?! CLI output:
Copy code
% npx sst update 0.57.0
Updating @serverless-stack/cli to 0.57.0
Updating @serverless-stack/resources to 0.57.0
Updating @aws-cdk/assert@1.132.0
Updating @aws-cdk/aws-cloudfront@1.132.0
Updating @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include@1.132.0
SST: 0.53.4
CDK: 1.132.0
Update to 0.57.0 resulted in SST 0.53.4 and CDK 1.132.0?
what version were you on before?
This was an issue in previous versions of sst update
Yeah think it was fixed in 54 onward
if you run sst update again it should behave normally
Due to NPM Workspace incompatibility, I'm just doing it manually now.