Help, Everything was going so well today and then ...
# sst
Help, Everything was going so well today and then this:
Copy code
Checking deploy status...
mike-local-chartflow-dynamodb-stack | UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS | AWS::CloudFormation::Stack | mike-local-chartflow-dynamodb-stack | User Initiated
mike-local-chartflow-dynamodb-stack | UPDATE_ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS | AWS::CloudFormation::Stack | mike-local-chartflow-dynamodb-stack | Export mike-local-chartflow-dynamodb-stack:ExportsOutputRefLookupChartflowDataTableB04292358F7B7CAF cannot be deleted as it is in use by mike-local-chartflow-api-stack
mike-local-chartflow-dynamodb-stack | UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE_CLEANUP_IN_PROGRESS | AWS::CloudFormation::Stack | mike-local-chartflow-dynamodb-stack
mike-local-chartflow-dynamodb-stack | UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE | AWS::CloudFormation::Stack | mike-local-chartflow-dynamodb-stack

 :x: mike-local-chartflow-dynamodb-stack failed: Export mike-local-chartflow-dynamodb-stack:ExportsOutputRefLookupChartflowDataTableB04292358F7B7CAF cannot be deleted as it is in use by mike-local-chartflow-api-stack
I had been working on fixing up my deploys and getting them to work on actual aws hardware and had ignored my local environment. When I went to redploy my local environment this evening, I got this message. I have no Idea what to do to fix. Everything is working great on AWS, now I just have to figure out how I broke my local environment
what version of SST are you ont?
This is an issue with cloudformation but the newest version of SST tries to autofix it for you
SST: 0.59.1 CDK: 2.7.0
try going to latest it should fix it for you
@Michael Robellard just following up on this. Here’s a bit more about the issue and how SST handles it:
Thank you for that clarification. I had fixed that specific instance and ran into the issue again a few days later on something else. I eventually got everything working, but now I know what's causing it, and how to fix it if it happens again. Thanks.