hey <@U01MV4U2EV9> could you bump this to 5.13.0 w...
# sst
hey @thdxr could you bump this to 5.13.0 whenever you next do a push? https://github.com/serverless-stack/serverless-stack/blob/master/packages/eslint-config-serverless-stack/package.json#L11 4 still has a dependency on eslint 5 || 6 || 7, but SST is using eslint 8 and I am getting peer dependency errors. like this
yep will do!
node dependencies suck 😕 haha
yeah I know 😢
Sorry ya gotta keep chasing other folks release cycles
I just did a big dependency cleanup and it was hard, missed this one
I am still trying to track down that TS not rebuilding issue. so i am trashing my modules, updating things are trying again. No idea what i have setup different in this project... super weird
Oh i am also getting this lovely message again 🙂 looks like that whole dependency chain from 4.33 is causing TS warnings
I ran into this as well lol
I looked it up and that is the latest estree verison
oh wait...
no it's not ok
oh good, yeah dealing with these interwoven dependencies is always rough