How does Seed work if you only can deploy to <subd...
# sst
How does Seed work if you only can deploy to I have setup Route 53 to host our subdomain, but not the main domain. But when we build it says:
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It seems you are configuring custom domains for you URL. And SST is not able to find the hosted zone "<|>" in your AWS Route 53 account. Please double check and make sure the zone exists, or pass in a different zone.
Do I have my stacks misconfigured?
Hey @Bryan Smith, sorry for the late follow up.
Is this for configuring the
You can specify the hosted zone like this:
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new Api(this, "Api", {
  customDomain: {
    domainName: "<|>",
    hostedZone: "<|>",
Let me know if this works for you.
Hi Frank, yes we solved it, but thanks for following up. This was the solution, we just didn't realize it was working once DNS resolved.